We approach Business Analysis as a core element of the engineering lifecycle; our heritage as experts in software quality enables us to better bridge the business and technology divide.

Our business engineering consultants deliver business analysis services and capability. This enables you to understand and define your business goals and engineer effective functional and non-functional requirements and user stories, with a key focus on specifications and acceptance criteria that remove ambiguity, ensuring that your product is both functionally and operationally ready.
This means that wider coverage is being considered from the outset, reducing the probability of design level defects appearing later in the delivery cycle - the earlier a defect is identified the more cost effective it is to fix.

Ten10 draws on its significant technical experience through performing performance and operational acceptance testing to ensure that non-functional requirements are correctly defined up front, and not left as an afterthought. We use our expertise to understand your expected load and performance levels, operational support, failover and recovery requirements, allowing these to be built into requirements early, and therefore available to be considered up front by technology engineering teams.






Our business engineering consultants work with you to design or re-design your business processes

We work with you to appropriately define your business engineering strategy, ensuring effective and consistent governance is defined upfront. We also use our significant platform experience to understand potential integration pain points and develop a risk profile to help prioritise your requirements prior to detailed planning taking place.


We work with you to elicit, define and analyse functional and non-functional requirements, user stories and acceptance criteria, with a focus on testability and removing ambiguity, ensuring that your product is both functionally and operationally ready. This means that wider coverage is being considered from the outset, reducing the probability of design level defects appearing later in the delivery cycle - the earlier a defect is identified the more cost effective it is to fix.

Ten10 draws on its significant technical experience through performing performance and operational acceptance testing to ensure that non-functional requirements are correctly defined up front, and not left as an afterthought. We use our expertise to understand your expected load and performance levels, operational support, failover and recovery requirements, allowing these to be built into requirements early, and therefore available to be considered up front by technology engineering teams. 



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